Chiropractic intervention have been a wonderful experience. It has helped me fix a couple of severe disc problem, a severe scoliosis has been reduced, a spondlolitic patient was 90% better. even working on those principles tennis elbow and halus valgus patient was made better, and this the list is big.
I am getting som papers made to be published and will definitely seek your consent time and again to put your name there as co-author. The path your guided me has made advance were I am using kinetic chains and muscle dysfunctions amalgamate with neuroarticular dysfunctions and that has been showing good initial results. In fact have been working 8-10 hrs a day to argment my skills in this. Further I must confess, I was afraid of using HVTs and decided that was not my cup of tea for the time being ans all these results have been through the pro adjustor.
Give my regards to Joy. She too has made great contribution in my learning.
Definitely I will be coming next summers to your peripheral program and also will be sending another Indian team to learn from you.
Thank you for everything
Dr Maneesh Arora